North West Ruby User Group

The Training Edition

Thursday 18th August 6:30pm at The Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab)

A bit of a different meet this month. This month we are hooking up with long time NWRUG members, Ric Roberts and Tekin Suleyman for their new Ruby on Rails Bootcamp course over at MadLab.

It will be a social meet of sorts, but with a chance for the students of the course to come face to face with some experienced ruby developers from the local Ruby community.

Anyone is welcome, whether you are an experienced Ruby developer, a course student or just someone wanting to get into ruby, come along, we’ll have some beers and chat about ruby and other stuff.

The schedule

  • 6:30pm :: Social meeting at MadLab, bring a beer or two
  • Some time after :: Go to a bar for more drinks.

The location

The Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab) 36-40 Edge Street, Manchester, M4 1HN.

About NWRUG events

Our events are free and open to anyone with an interest in Ruby, regardless of experience level. There is no need to register, just show up on the day! We want to keep NWRUG as welcoming and inclusive as possible so we ask that all attendies follow our Code of conduct. If you have any questions, get in touch.