North West Ruby User Group

UNIX: Rediscovering the Wheel

Thursday 21st January 6:30pm at The BBC

This month John Leach of Brightbox will be talking on UNIX: Rediscovering the wheel.

“Those who don’t understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.”

We in the Ruby Community seem to have a habit of re-inventing things. Sometimes this is for good reason, but in some cases we don’t know we’re even doing it! We’re wasting valuable time that could be spent learning Erlang!

UNIX-like operating systems have been around for decades and lots of problems have come and gone in that time. I’m going to talk about some of the tools available that can be used to solve common Ruby and Rails deployment and development problems.

Brightbox will also be sponsoring the event so there will be pizzas available after the meeting in Odder across the road from the meeting.

The schedule

  • 6:30pm :: Welcome & Pre-session bar visit.
  • 7:00pm :: UNIX: Rediscovering the wheel by John Leach of Brightbox
  • 7:45pm :: Pizzas at the Odder bar across the road sponsored by Brightbox

The location

The BBC New Broadcasting House, Oxford Rd, Manchester, M1 5QA.

About NWRUG events

Our events are free and open to anyone with an interest in Ruby, regardless of experience level. There is no need to register, just show up on the day! We want to keep NWRUG as welcoming and inclusive as possible so we ask that all attendies follow our Code of conduct. If you have any questions, get in touch.