North West Ruby User Group

Taylor’s Guide to Big Rewrites by Andy Croll

Thursday 18th July 6:30pm at Chroma Recruitment

This month we're getting together for more Ruby-related chat, a slice or two of pizza, and to watch Andy Croll's talk Taylor’s Guide to Big Rewrites:

Taylorism, is a system of management advocated by Fred W. Taylor. The task of management, as he saw it, is to find the best way for the worker to do the job, with proper tools and training, and to provide incentives for good performance.

There are certain things you’re meant to do in software projects and business. And certain things you’re not. A big rewrite of your app is one of the things you aren’t meant to do.

Except that’s what we did with a team of 4 engineers, over an 18 month period, successfully migrating 2,500 customer’s data.

How can we apply the learnings of Taylor, to a massive application rewrite? What did we do and what can you learn when you’re faced with a wild and woolly project? What about our business practises as well as our code helped us make a success of one of software’s shibboleths?


  • 6:30pm: Doors open
  • 7:00pm: Doors close (don't be late!)
  • 8:30pm: We leave the Chroma offices for a local pub for more Ruby chat

Don't forget all parts of our event, including the post-talk pub time, is covered by our code of conduct.


To guarantee entry register now on TicketTailor.

The location

Chroma Recruitment 2nd Floor, 31 Booth St, Manchester, M2 4AF.

About NWRUG events

Our events are free and open to anyone with an interest in Ruby, regardless of experience level. There is no need to register, just show up on the day! We want to keep NWRUG as welcoming and inclusive as possible so we ask that all attendies follow our Code of conduct. If you have any questions, get in touch.