North West Ruby User Group

Concurrent Ruby

Thursday 21st May 6:30pm at The Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab)

Historically it’s been up to languages other than Ruby to come up with new approaches for handling concurrency, but now that leaves Ruby in a position to provide lots of the good ideas in one place. The Concurrent Ruby gem provides a wide range of tools with many different ways to look at concurrency. Actors, agents, async, futures, dataflow, promises, tasks, channels, thread pools, conditions, barriers, exchangers, semaphores, atomics and more, all in one place.

We’ll look at what the gem provides, how to pick what you need, how to use some of them, and what kind of scalability and performance you can get from them. Sign-up to attend.

Sponsorship this month is provided by Sage UK.

The speaker

Chris Seaton is a PhD student in concurrency and parallelism at the University of Manchester, a Research Manager at Oracle labs working on dynamic languages, and a core committer to JRuby and Concurrent Ruby.

The Schedule (Thursday 21st May)

  • 6:30pm - Doors open
  • 7:00pm - The talk; Concurrent Ruby
  • After - To Abel Heywood for post-talk drinks, sponsored by Sage UK

The location

The Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab) 36-40 Edge Street, Manchester, M4 1HN.

About NWRUG events

Our events are free and open to anyone with an interest in Ruby, regardless of experience level. There is no need to register, just show up on the day! We want to keep NWRUG as welcoming and inclusive as possible so we ask that all attendies follow our Code of conduct. If you have any questions, get in touch.