NWRUG Quiz: The Bowling Exercise
We'll be doing the Bowling exercise from Exercism.io. The idea is to write some code that can score a bowling game!
Getting started
- Follow the installation instructions for excercism to get set up if you haven't already
- You'll also want to install the Minitest gem by running the following command from your terminal:
gem install minitest
Doing the exercise
- Run
exercism download --exercise=bowling --track=ruby
to install the exercise - Find the "Bowling" exercise in the "Ruby" track on Exercism.io to see further instructions
The test suite can be run by running the following command from the project directory:
ruby bowling_test.rb
The test suite contains one failing test and many skipped tests. Your goal is to write code that passes all of the tests. Compete the exercise by following these steps:
- run the tests and note the failure
- write only enough code to pass the failing test
- unskip the next test
Repeat the steps until no tests are skipped and you've written code to pass them all.
Extra challenge: apply the Baby Steps constraints
If you are both experienced developers and would like a further challenge, you might consider applying the Baby Steps constraint:
- Setup a git repository (or use another SCM that supports resets)
- Setup a timer for 2 minutes interval when you start
- Write exactly one test
- If the timer rings and the test is red then revert and start over
- If you finish your test earlier: no problem, reset the timer and continue
- Restart timer Go to 3.
- Most pairs need to reset at least once
- It is absolutely OK to spend iterations to do only refactorings
- Feel free to discuss whatever is needed in between cycles
- The most important part is to have green tests. Your code base must never be red for more than two minutes